Monday, June 30, 2008

Unlike postings on my other blog, the scroll of shame, I do not care who reads this one.

To All My Relatives, Friends, Acquaintances, and Those Who Are Not...

IT'S NOT THE FLAG... It's What It Represents

My grandparents were immigrants, my father was a decorated WWII hero and I have not done enough to make them proud. I try my very best. I do not wish to behead those who pray differently than me. I do not wish to shoot people who disagree with me. I do not wish to hurt people who look different than me. I do not wish to forget those less fortunate than me. I do not wish to poison the world after me. And yet I feel I have failed the generations that preceded me.

On this Fourth of July when we Americans celebrate by flying our country’s flag, I will hang my father’s flag on my office porch once again to honor him. But more importantly, this year I am personally taking a pledge to make my small corner of this world a slightly better place. It is how my predecessors made a difference… by making their small world a better place. I am the recipient of their largesse and I owe it to them, and I owe it to all those who come after me to do no less. Won’t you join me? I want my country’s flag to once again be THE beacon in a dark and dangerous world.

I wish you all health and happiness and a clearer conscience than mine on this the 232nd birthday of the United States of America. My home, and proud of it.

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